Our Intent

To provide quality education to all learners tailoring and embedding wrap around support by identifying individual starting points, setting clear aims and objectives to allow learners to gain the skills and qualifications to progress into employment or into further education.

Our Aims & Objectives

At Standguide Group, everything we do is based on our ‘5 Pillars’. From staff recruitment to contractual performance, our 5 Pillars are the benchmarks we aim for.

  • Deliver for our People

    Our people are the drivers of our success and ensuring they are properly trained, listened to, and take satisfaction from their jobs is incredibly important.

  • Deliver for our Customers

    All of our customers will have different challenges and tailoring what we do to meet their needs ensures they feel listened to, engaged and motivated to achieve their best.

  • Deliver Performance

    Analysing trends, changes in contracts and constantly looking to improve our performance and the sharing of good practice ensures we stay on top of our game.

  • Deliver Profitable Growth

    Looking to the future and building on our expertise helps our overall strategy to consistently evolve and grow. Maximising our profitability sensibly means that corners are not cut, and both our people and customers are prioritised.

  • Deliver to Budget

    Delivering to budget is essential in any business and we forever strive to find new methods of working that help work toward staying a successful organisation.

This project is part-funded by the European Social Fund

The ESF invests in people, with a focus on improving employment and
education opportunities across the European Union. It also aims to improve the situation of the most
vulnerable people at risk of poverty. The ESF investments cover all EU regions.

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